Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Brida by Paolo Coelho

I started reading this 312-page paperback last July... 2009! I know I am a slow reader, but more so if the story is really not that interesting. I bought Brida because one - it's a Paolo Coelho book and I have loved many of his novels for years; and two - because it's a book about being a witch and I've always wanted to be one as evidenced by my love for the Wiccan ways which I share on my Wiccan Blog. Unfortunately, for me, the pace of the story in the beginning was really not that fantastic and I got bored to tears. It's only during my morning rituals (after I do my daily tarot reading, meditation and spell) that I try to read a few more pages just so I can finish this blasted book. It was only when I was reaching the last few chapters that the story became more exciting to the point that it was giving me goosebumps and hair tingles. This meant that finally, I was one with the book and it was as if I was Brida finally consummating my journey into  my real self, that of becoming a witch.

Brida is a young Irish girl who has always been interested in magic, spirituality and anything and everything that is other worldly -- just like me. ^_^ Fortunately for Brida, she really pursued her destiny and met two teachers a long the way -- a Magus, her teacher; and Wicca, a real witch. They taught her everything they know about the Tradition of the Moon and the Sun. They helped Brida open her eyes to the possibility of magic, and to trust in the goodness and beauty of the world, and to dance with its music.

Just like any person seeking for his or her destiny, Brida also struggled with her emotions and thoughts. There were times she doubted herself and what she was pursuing. But despite all that, she knew that she was on the right path. She followed her gut, her inner voice and everything she has always wanted came into fruition.  

Brida taught me great things, just like what I've always been learning all these years --- to know what I want and to go get it. It's okay to make mistakes along the way. The important thing is to stand up again, follow through and persevere. For in the end, your efforts will be rewarded.

Brida also educated me about the ways of magic... that it's a bridge between the visible and the invisible and can manifest in very simple ways, just like when I meditate in the morning or put myself in another state of consciousness. Brida may be a slow read at first. But it delivered well towards the end. 

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